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Apply now - funding available for Community and Sports Groups in Cambridge

Groups can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £30,000 to fund improvements to equipment or storage facilities at venues in Cambridge.

These grants are aimed at addressing the impact of housing growth in the city.
Examples of the types of project that could be funded include:
- Buying new tables, seating, furnishings, other equipment, or storage, to help buildings with community meeting spaces to cater for more people, or to provide more activities
- Buying new equipment, or storage, for an outdoor sports pavilion or playing pitches
- Buying new equipment, or storage, for an indoor sports centre.
There are two application windows with different deadlines:
- For projects to be completed between mid-October 2023 and the end of April 2024, the deadline to apply is Tuesday 5 September 2023
- For projects to be completed between late January 2023 and the end of October 2024, the deadline to apply is Tuesday 31 October 2023.
To be eligible for the funding, the new or improved facilities would then need to be made available for community use, or affordable hire, for a certain amount of time each week.

Find full application guidance and information about how to apply online.
The grants are made available as a result of developer contributions, often known as ‘S106 contributions’, which are paid by developers to mitigate the impact of new homes and other buildings.

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