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Biggest ever Sawston Fun Run raises £14,000 for charities

Photo: Sawston Fun Run

A record Sawston Fun Run has raised £14,000 for local good causes.

The Sawston Fun Run has been going for nearly forty years, and has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Cambridge-based charities and organisations.

For 2024, the event supported 24 beneficiaries, and on Sunday 12 May 2024, 1480 runners took to the course around Sawston village, the most sign-ups ever.

On Wednesday 17 July 2024, the beneficiaries were presented with their slice of the £14,000 raised, at a special celebratory ceremony at Sawston Village College.

Gerry Holloway founded the Sawston Fun Run in the 1980s, and told Star Radio it is a special event.

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