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Bin collection changes affecting 130,000 households take effect next week

Bin collection days will change for over 130,000 households across Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire from Monday (27 February).

The shared waste collection service for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire has streamlined its rounds to work across the boundary.

The new rounds will reduce the waste teams travel by up to 20,000 miles each year, cutting traffic and emissions, and contributing to a £700k efficiency savings target over three years.

For most households, this will mean a change to their bin collection day or time, or to the sequence in which their black or blue and green bins are collected.

Households across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire have been sent a new collection calendar and leaflet detailing how the changes will affect them. This information is also available on both council websites at www.scambs.gov.uk/bin-changes and www.cambridge.gov.uk/bin-changes

Cllr Mark Howell, South Cambridgeshire District Council cabinet member with responsibility for waste, said: “We appreciate that with this change there will be some disruption and we have put temporary additional resources in place to deal with any unexpected challenges. We would like to thank residents for their understanding and patience while we undertake these service changes and while our crews learn their new rounds.”

Cllr Peter Roberts, Cambridge City’s Executive Councillor for Environmental Services and City Centre, said: “The new round structure will streamline operations and help us to manage the growing demand on the waste service while maintaining a high level of service for residents.”

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