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Cambridge Drops Place In University League Table

Cambridge University has dropped in the world rankings according to the Times Higher Education magazine.

Dark blue rival Oxford University has topped the world rankings for the fourth year in a row.

But Cambridge has dropped to third and has been replaced in the second place position by the California Institute of Technology.

Overall, the UK has 28 institutions in the top 200, down from 29 last year.

Here is the list of the UK universities in the top 200 of the latest THE World University Rankings. Last year's positions are in brackets, while = denotes joint position.

:: 1 (1) University of Oxford

:: 3 (2) University of Cambridge

:: 10 (9) Imperial College London

:: 15 (14) University College London

:: =27 (26) London School of Economics and Political Science

:: 30 (29) University of Edinburgh

:: =36 (38) King's College London

:: =55 (57) University of Manchester

:: 77 (=79) University of Warwick

:: 87 (78) University of Bristol

:: =99 (=93) University of Glasgow

:: =110 (130) Queen Mary, University of London

:: 112 (=116) University of Birmingham

:: =117 (106) University of Sheffield

:: 122 (118) University of Southampton

:: =128 (119) University of York

:: 133 (=114) Durham University

:: =139 (=146) Lancaster University

:: =146 (141) University of Exeter

:: =146 (=161) University of Sussex

:: =152 (=149) University of Nottingham

:: =155 (=153) University of Leeds

:: 165 (=181) University of Liverpool

:: =166 (=167) University of Leicester

:: =168 (158) University of Aberdeen

:: 192 (=190) University of East Anglia

:: =198 (=187) Cardiff University

:: =198 (165) University of St Andrews

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