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Cambridgeshire Police inadequate in two areas

Photo: Cambridgeshire Police

Cambridgeshire Police must improve its call-handling and management of offenders.

Inspectors graded the force across eight areas of policing and found it "inadequate" in two.

The report found officers need to improve their management of registered sex offenders and how they share information to help safeguard families.

It also said the constabulary must improve how quickly emergency and non-emergency calls are answered.

His Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary Roy Wilsher: 

"I am pleased with some aspects of the performance of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, including how it uses its police powers and works with partners to prevent crime.

"However, in some areas we inspected, the constabulary needs to improve. 

"It should answer 999 and 101 calls faster and respond to those incidents more quickly too. 

"It must also improve its management of risks posed by registered sex offenders in the community.

"While I congratulate the police officers and police staff of Cambridgeshire Constabulary for their efforts to keep the public safe, I will monitor progress in the areas where I feel the constabulary needs to improve."

Cambridgeshire Police was also rated "outstanding" in one area, "good" in two, "adequate" in two, and "requires improvement" in one.

The report said the force was outstanding using its police powers and engaging with the public.

It was also effective at identifying serious acquisitive crime and reducing reoffending.

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