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Cannabis Growers Jumped Through Window And Hid In Loft To Evade Arrest

A couple growing cannabis at a house in St Ives jumped through a window and hid in the loft to evade arrest.

Members of the community contacted police in January after suspecting cannabis was being grown illegally in a property in London Road.

Officers from the Huntingdonshire neighbourhood team went to check it out on 10 January and found the front door was barricaded.

They then spotted Chovan Ceo jumping out of the window and Lan Thi Nguyen hiding under insulation in the loft.

Inside the house officers found more than 300 cannabis plants with a street value of up to half a million pounds.

Ceo, 43, and Nguyen, 50, both of London Road, appeared at Cambridge Crown Court on Friday where they were both sentenced to two years and three months in prison after pleading guilty to production of cannabis.

PC Tom Russell, from the Huntingdonshire neighbourhood team, said: “Thanks to members of the community, this illegal drug will not reach the streets and this pair are behind bars.

“Drug trafficking is a source of revenue for organised crime groups, many of whom are involved in other forms of serious crime including modern slavery,

“We would encourage people to look out for signs of illegal cannabis factories including blacked out windows and people coming and going various times of the day."

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