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Community chest funding provides ‘lifeline’ for charity

11 groups that provide valuable activities for South Cambridgeshire residents are sharing more than £9,000 in Council funding, with one charity describing their backing as “a lifeline”.

The Community Chest fund is there to support local voluntary and community groups, and the latest grants handed out under the programme have now been confirmed.

It includes funding for the Cambridge Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets, which attracts young people from across South Cambridgeshire. The charity has been given £1,000 to pay for a trailer.

Lt Vic Galpin, Officer in charge at Cambridge Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets, said: “We are regular attendees at national and area events, and committed to getting the cadets to these events in a safe, comfortable and relaxed manner.

“With cadet numbers increasing, it’s essential we could get a trailer to convey the cadets and all their equipment to venues.

“Without the help of this magnificent grant, we would have had to set tight limits on the number of cadets attending, so this has been a lifeline at the most opportune moment.

“We can’t thank South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Community Chest initiative enough.”

Elsewhere, new picnic tables are going to be bought by the Friends of Pendragon Primary School thanks to a £1,000 grant from the chest, while Bar Hill Parish Council will buy new seating and shrubs for their play area after being granted an identical amount.

£1,000 has been given to the 1st Papworth Scout Group to help pay for new tents, while fellow scouts in Whittlesford and Duxford have been given the same amount to put towards pioneering poles.

The Ladybird Preschool has been awarded £1,000 to go towards creating a sensory garden.

Further grants have been made available to pay for keyboard and choir folders at Sing Papworth, English, exercise and first aid tuition at the ESOL Café, website development at Hatley Parish Council, replacement sports equipment at Cambourne Parish Council and a new stereo system at All Saints Melbourn Community Hall.

Cllr Simon Edwards, portfolio holder with responsibility for community grants at South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “All these groups are once again really deserving of a helping hand from our Community Chest.

“The beauty of this fund is that it’s really clear to see how much of a difference all of this funding will make to each local group, whether they’re buying tents, tables or trailers.

“We’ve still got some money left in the pot, so I’d really encourage other groups who have got a project they want to complete, repairs to make or community scheme to start to get bidding straight away.”

Voluntary and community groups, charities and parish councils who all work towards improving the quality of life for local people can bid for up to £1,000 for:

  • Improvements to community facilities
  • Repairs to historic buildings/monuments/memorials
  • Tree and hedge planting schemes
  • Equipment and materials
  • Start-up costs

Grant applications are accepted at any time, until the funding runs out, and can completely or partially cover the costs of a project, equipment or work. Decisions about which projects are awarded funding are made every month.

For application forms and full details about the fund, plus guidance on eligibility, visit www.scambs.gov.uk/communitychest

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