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Council continues to be top performer for council tax collection

Finance bosses have thanked revenues staff, residents and businesses for achieving another top table position in the council tax collection league.

The latest government statistics on council tax collection have been released and South Cambridgeshire has come joint third, collecting 99.4% of all council tax, maintaining its performance on last year.

Overall, £104 million in council tax was due to be collected by the Council on behalf of itself, Cambridgeshire County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioners office, Fire Authority and parish councils.

The data also reveals that Business Rate collections in South Cambridgeshire achieved a top table position taking joint sixth place, climbing from 99.4% in 2015 to 99.5%.

Councillors have thanked residents and businesses for paying their bills on time and are encouraging anyone having difficulties making payments to contact the Council early for support and advice before debts begin to accumulate.

Cabinet member for finance, Cllr Simon Edwards, said: “This is a great performance by both our collections team, residents and businesses and I am extremely proud.

“The figures speak for themselves and are testament to what a great job our collections team does behind the scenes in making it as easy as possible for people to pay their bill and providing early support and advice to avoid people falling into arrears.

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