Ely's green flags flying high for another year

Keep Britain Tidy’s green flags will continue to fly high in Jubilee Gardens and Ely Country Park thanks to the hard work of volunteers and East Cambridgeshire District Council’s open spaces team.

Ely Country Park and Jubilee Gardens have received recognition from Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award for 2018 this week, which recognises them as some of the UK’s very best green spaces. This is the 14th year that Jubilee Gardens have been awarded a Green Flag and the 5th year of recognition for Ely Country Park.

Councillor David Ambrose-Smith, Chair of the Community Services Committee at East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “Our open spaces team work very hard to uphold the high standards which come with being accredited by the Green Flag Awards scheme. This is just one way that the council keeps to its commitment of making the district a fantastic place to live, work and visit.”

This international award, now into its third decade, is a sign to the public that Ely Country Park and Jubilee Gardens boast the highest possible environmental standards, are beautifully maintained and have excellent visitor facilities.

International Green Flag Award scheme manager Paul Todd said: “We are delighted to be celebrating another record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award scheme, with more Green Flags awarded this year than last year.” 
“Each flag honours the thousands of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to maintain the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award. We are proud to have so many wonderful green spaces in the UK for people to enjoy, and hope that next year, we award even more flags.”

Ely Country Park’s green flag award comes after an already successful year following accredited country park status by National England. Over the past year work and improvements to the park includes the installation of a play ship, new seating provision and the provision of toilets during the summer months.

Jubilee Gardens was opened in 2002 by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh to celebrate the Golden Jubilee year of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The gardens are supported financially and practically by the friends of Jubilee Gardens and are currently rated number 5 out of 34 ‘things to do in Ely’ on Trip Advisor.

Awards are given on an annual basis and winners must apply each year to renew their Green Flag Award status.

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