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Free bus travel for older people on the cards

Some Cambridgeshire residents could soon be eligible for all-day concessionary travel.

Currently bus pass holders are limited to off-peak times from 9:30am on weekdays and at weekends.

But that could be extended to all-day for older people and those living with disabilities.

Plans have initially been agreed by bosses at the Cambridge Combined Authority, with the Board making a final decision next month.

The proposals are in response to local feedback raising awareness of the challenges concessionary pass holders have when dependent on public transport for peak-time obligations or opportunities.

It forms part of the Combined Authority's wider goal to make bus services work better for all communities.

Dr Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough:

"Many older people and people with disabilities rely on their bus passes for greater independence and better access to services, and this change would give them even greater flexibility with travel. 

It is another great example of the Combined Authority’s work to make buses meet the needs of our communities".

Jess Slater, Chief Executive at Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough:

"At Healthwatch, we understand how vital accessible transport is for people with disabilities to maintain their independence and well-being.

We also recognise the need for greater flexibility in travel times, particularly the desire to extend the scheme to allow travel before 9:30am, as seen in other regions. Ensuring accessible, timely transport options is key to improving health outcomes and quality of life for all".

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