Future faces of paramedic care attended a special recruitment event held at the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) headquarters in Melbourn, Cambridgeshire.
Around 50 paramedic science graduates attended the event on Saturday (May 6th), which provided graduates with practical information on working for EEAST and inspired a number of applications for roles within the service.
Attendees participated in group challenges, clinical exercises and open discussion forums.
Students were also able to ask questions directly to people already working in ambulance care including senior paramedics, HR representatives, driver training assessors and members of the Trust’s Communications team.
Attendees found the event to be enjoyable and informative. Comments included: “Really nice, helpful … and the Trust seems to value and take care of staff" and “Thoroughly enjoyed the day … found it incredibly useful and it reinforced that I want to come to EEAST.”
Speaking about the event, Denise Stedman, Recruitment and Resourcing Manager, said: "It's important to run events like this to show what we are proud of and all we have to offer at EEAST, for those looking to join us now and in the future. It's also a great opportunity for them [the graduates] to interact with their peers. Hopefully the event will inspire some of the graduates to join EEAST."
For more information on how to join EEAST, please visit: http://www.eastamb.nhs.uk/work-for-us/