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Hospital cancellations – advice to patients

In line with national recommendations, Cambridge University Hospitals has today (Thursday January 4) cancelled all non-urgent elective adult inpatient surgery until the end of the month. This is as a result of winter pressures, aggravated by high levels of people attending A&E with flu-like symptoms.

The Trust will continue to perform cancer, clinically urgent, paediatric surgery and day cases. Outpatient appointments are continuing as normal, although this will be kept under review.

Anyone whose operation is cancelled is being informed by the Trust. It is emphasised patients need not telephone to check, since this will put more pressure on the hospital. Appointments will be re-scheduled as soon as possible, and patients advised accordingly.

Cancellations are made on the basis of clinical need and the Trust aims to give as much notice as practical. However, the public’s understanding of the pressures on the Trust is appreciated at this time.

Anyone with concerns should contact the telephone number on their appointment slip.

Yesterday (Wed) 312 people attended A&E and the public can help by staying away from hospital if they have flu-like symptoms, diarrhoea, or have had these symptoms over the last 48 hours. When it’s not an emergency contact your GP, local pharmacy, or NHS 111 service.

If you are visiting Addenbrooke’s or The Rosie please be aware only two visitors per patient are permitted at any one time, to keep infection risk to a minimum. Please use hand sanitizers at the entrance to each ward, or wash your hands in the nearby sinks with soap and water. Children should not visit unless agreed with the wards in advance.

If you need to come into A&E please do not bring large groups of friends and family, since it increases the risk of infection. A&E is really busy so it is important that patients only attend if it is an emergency or a life threatening condition.

If you have coughs, colds and flu-like symptoms, you are advised to rest at home and ensure you drink plenty of fluids.  If you have concerns, particularly with relation to children or the elderly, or those with long-term conditions please consult your GP or NHS111 before coming to A&E.

A useful guide to NHS services can be found below on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG website.

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