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Jail For Burglar Who Targeted Littleport Pensioner

A burglar who targeted an elderly man in Littleport has been jailed for four years.

Barry Clark, 27, of no fixed abode was handed the sentence at Peterborough Crown Court after pleading guilty to burglary, burglary with violence and two counts of theft.

Clark’s 87-year-old victim told how he was asked if he could change a £20 note at his home in Victoria Street, Littleport on 8 November.

After handing over the money, Clark asked for a drink but while the victim’s back was turned he stole around £700 from the bedroom.

Clark returned to the man’s home four days later (12 November) and pushed him in the chest when he opened the door. He demanded the jar of money and pushed the man again before making off with more cash.

The victim reported the incidents to police and Clark was identified by CCTV.

Clark also stole two drills worth £180 from B&Q in Cambridge on 29 October and a number of scratch cards from One Stop shop in Ely.

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