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Jail for fatal crash lorry driver

A LORRY driver caused a crash which killed a motorcyclist by mistakenly driving on the wrong side of the road.

Istvan Becsei, 57, from Retszilas, in Hungary, pulled out of a farm onto Ely Road, Littleport, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 3, but immediately drove on the right side of the single-carriageway road.

David Pokora, 60, of Highfield Drive, Littleport, was riding his motorbike in the opposite direction, on the correct side of the road, and collided head-on with the lorry on a bend just south of the junction with Brickmakers Way.

Mr Pokora died at the scene. Becsei was arrested and later pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.

Yesterday (July 3), he was jailed for 32 months at Cambridge Crown Court, disqualified from driving for 31 months and ordered to sit an extended re-test.

PC James Thorne said: “This tragic collision was a result of Becsei not paying proper attention to his driving for a relatively long period of time.

“Losing concentration while driving has the potential to prove fatal and maintaining that due care and attention is particularly important when you’re driving on a side of the road you’re not used to.”

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