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Peterborough To Host Its Largest Ever Walk-In COVID Jab Clinic

Clinic for COVID-19 vaccination set for Thomas Walker Surgery in Peterborough on 19 and 20 June, helping residents get the jab closer to home.

With all adults aged 25 and over now invited to get the vaccine, the NHS is encouraging everyone who is eligible in Peterborough to get the jab as soon as possible. To get the vaccine people can book online via www.nhs.uk/coronavirus, call 119, or simply drop in at the Thomas Walker Surgery any time between 8am and 8pm on Saturday, 19 June and Sunday, 20 June.

These new walk-in clinics are being organised in addition to vaccination services at five other vaccination sites offering bookable slots across the city, including the existing vaccination centre at the Thomas Walker Surgery.

Local residents only need to bring proof of identity and a face covering with them to the walk-in clinics. Although it will help NHS staff process patients quickly if they also bring their NHS number, people can still drop by if they do not have or do not know their NHS number.

Walk in clinics are available at Thomas Walker Surgery between 8am and 8pm on Saturday 19 June and Sunday 20 June.

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