Plans for M11 Travel Hub Provisionally Approved

Plans to build a new travel hub to the south-west of Cambridge that will help take thousands of cars out of the city get provisional

The Greater Cambridge Partnership has provisionally been granted approval to construct the travel hub on a site to the west of the M11 Junction 11 by Cambridgeshire County Council's Planning Committee. The planning application will now be passed onto the Secretary of State for the final decision.
The travel hub will have up to 2,150 car parking spaces – with 108 blue badge spaces and 108 electric vehicle charging bays – and 326 cycle spaces to encourage more people to get out of their cars and cycle, walk, or use public transport.
It will also have 12 parking spaces for coaches, a horse corral for equestrian use and an off-road public transport link between the travel hub and the A10 Hauxton Road/Addenbrooke’s Road junction.

As part of the scheme, the GCP will be enhancing the habitat of the area by planting trees and plants to improve the biodiversity of the area.
Further detailed design work will now be carried out and construction is expected to begin in 2024.


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