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Plans for office block at Cambridge North approved

Proposals for a new office building, to continue the regeneration of the area around Cambridge North Railway Station, have been approved.

The seven-storey building will include around 9,700 square metres of office space, with 740 square metres of retail space.

The plans were approved at a meeting of the Joint Development Control Committee – Cambridge Fringes today (Wednesday 14 March). The Committee is made up of representatives from South Cambridgeshire, Cambridge City and Cambridgeshire County Councils.

The new office building will be located near to a hotel, which was recently also approved, to be built outside Cambridge North. 325 bicycle spaces will be provided on the ground floor of the office. 125 car parking spaces will also be available in a car park.

The proposal also states that several landscaping and public space improvements will come forward as part of the development, including the planting of trees to form a ‘Green gateway’ on the approach to the Station Square from the Boulevard. In their report, planners stated that the design ‘will make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area, creating attractive, high quality spaces.’

As well as being alongside a main-line railway station, the new office building will benefit from an immediate link to the Guided Busway, bus stops and cycle routes connecting to other parts of South Cambridgeshire and beyond. Additionally, financial contributions will be made by developers Brookgate towards local footpath links, cycle improvements on Fen Road and upgraded signage towards the Station.

The approval of the plans follows a previous application that was refused by the Committee in November last year, because of concerns members had about the planned cycle routes next to the building. Since that time, a revised design for the cycleway has been submitted, which members confirmed that they are happy with.

Stephen Kelly, Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development at South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council, said: “I’m pleased that following the earlier decision and engagement with the planning departments, the committee have today been able to support this important development. This will help to breathe life and activity to complement the recently-opened station.”

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