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Police Appeal After “Nasty” Assault In Cambridge

Officers are appealing for witnesses following an assault in Cambridge.

The victim was walking past a jewellery shop in Petty Cury, Cambridge, at just after 6.30pm on Tuesday (15 October) when he was approached by a man who started shouting at him.

The victim tried to get away and ran towards Lion Yard shopping centre but the man caught up with him and punched him several times, breaking his jaw. 

DC Alan Tregilgas, who is investigating, said the assault was being treated as an isolated incident.

He said: “This was a particularly nasty attack and we are urging anyone who witnessed it to come forward and share any details they have.

“We know there were plenty of people in the area at the time so I would urge anyone who saw what happened to call police on 101, quoting crime reference number 35/74016/19.”

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