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Superhero Set To Fly Into Schools To Boost Recycling Efforts

A SUPERHERO is set to fly into schools to deliver recycling workshops to children across East Cambridgeshire.

Michael, a recycling champion, was designed by nine-year-old Brooke Smith, a year four pupil at Littleport Community Primary School, who won a competition run by East Cambridgeshire District Council.

And now he is set to feature in a series of interactive drama performances run by a team of actors and actresses.

Councillor Julia Huffer, council waste champion for East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “As a council we are always keen to improve our recycling rates and have made substantial progress since new recycling services were introduced in 2013.

“We believe the real vehicles for change are our children who spread the green message to the rest of the community.

“We are very excited to be able to introduce Michael to schools to help the children get to grips with recycling issues in a fun and interactive way.”

The performances will be delivered by a team of drama students from Anglia Ruskin University.

They will be supported by professional director and producer Matthew Townshend, an expert in theatre for education.

He said: “It's vitally important for today's younger generation to learn about recycling and sustainability and storytelling and drama workshops are a very effective way to engage students.

“Our life-size Michael will work with groups of children to negotiate the world of recycling in shows which are tailored to meet the needs and learning objectives of the school curriculum.”

The performances are suitable for groups of up to 60 pupils and are open to all Key Stage 2 children (age seven to 11) in East Cambridgeshire.

There are morning and afternoon slots available to schools between March 27th and March 31st and from 18th April until 21st April.

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