A 17-year-old who had a lifesaving heart and lung transplant has bid an emotional farewell to the team who looked after her.
Freya Potter, from Wiltshire, was 16 years old when she was first admitted to Royal Papworth - and her stay at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus meant that she missed her GCSEs and her leaver's prom.
Freya required the transplant due to a combination of heart failure and lung disease that was first diganosed at the age of 12. Prior to surgery, she spent nine months in the critical care unit at Papworth waiting for suitable donor organs to be available.
After extensive rehabilitation at the world leading centre, Freya was finally ready to leave and was clapped out by over 50 members of staff.
Freya said:
“The staff here have been amazing, they’re like one big family and I’m really thankful to them all. They’ve helped me so much and kept me motivated and entertained. Even on days when I was feeling down, they’d always make me laugh,”
Mum Linda added:
"Freya has coped so well with everything. She’s been strong and upbeat and it helps when everyone at Royal Papworth Hospital has been so marvellous. She’s embraced everything and come out fighting, I’m so proud of her. We're also really grateful to the organ donor and their family.”
You can find out about the NHS Organ Donor Register and see your choices on the NHS UK website.