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“Truly kind and professional”: Ambulance service commended in patient survey

The region’s ambulance service has been praised during the winter period with compliments such as “Top class”, “brilliant”, and “very professional” to name a few.

The region’s ambulance service has been praised during the winter period with compliments such as “Top class”, “brilliant”, and “very professional” to name a few.

More than 80 people responded to the December experience survey, with almost 98% either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall service received from the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST).

Latest figures also revealed 100% of respondents felt they could trust staff and that they were treated with privacy, dignity, and respect; the same score reported in November’s survey.

A patient from Waveney said: “Your staff were truly kind and professional, they are worth their weight in gold.”

Whilst another patient from mid Essex said: “Excellent service, no improvement needed.”

Other high scoring areas included cleanliness of the interior of ambulances and equipment used by staff, and appearance of ambulance service staff; with 100% of respondents finding all acceptable.

It was also revealed that almost 95% of people felt the handling of their 999 calls were either acceptable or very acceptable.

A patient from west Norfolk described the service as: “Top class, courteous and very friendly.”

An area for improvement was the length of time people waited for an ambulance, with 91% finding it either fairly acceptable, acceptable, or very acceptable.

Chief Executive Robert Morton said: “I’m delighted with the latest feedback from our patients. These continuous positive responses show how highly the vast majority of patients rate our service.

“This is a result of the exceptional level of care our staff and volunteers deliver every day and I’d like to thank them for their dedication over an extremely challenging winter period.”

To view the reports in full visit: http://www.eastamb.nhs.uk/performance/Patient-experience-report-emergency-services-december-2016.pdf

If you were treated by EEAST and want to tell us your thoughts, you can follow on Twitter and tweet us @EastEnglandAmb, email: eoeasnt.Feedback@nhs.net, or visit our website: http://www.eastamb.nhs.uk/contact-us/

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