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Waterbeach waste recycling site fire

Bin collections will not be affected by a fire on land next to the centre where blue, green and black bin recycling and waste is tipped.

A South Cambridgeshire District Council spokesman said: “We are working with Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service following the outbreak of a fire at the waste recycling site off the A10 at Waterbeach.


''We are asking residents and businesses in the Waterbeach, Landbeach and Milton areas to follow the advice of the Fire Service and keep doors and windows closed, due to smoke which may drift away from the site.

“We are not anticipating any problems with waste collections as we are still able to drop off loads at our tipping points at the site. We will continue to take the advice of Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service and let people know if this changes.”

The shared waste service also collects bins from homes in Cambridge. Bin collections from Cambridge City residents are also expected to be unaffected.

For more information about the incident visit Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service’s website: www.cambsfire.gov.uk/news-and-incidents/waste-recycling-site-4433.aspx

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