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Woman Conned Blind And Vulnerable Man In Cambridge

A woman who conned a blind and vulnerable man has been sentenced.

In April (4th) Lena Griffin knocked on the door of a 73-year-old man in Cambridge claiming to be one of his carers.

The 45-year-old, of Willow Walk, was invited into his home and offered a glass of wine as it was nearing his birthday.

Griffin drank the wine before asking for his bank card and pin number so she could go and get his shopping.

The victim handed over the details but never saw Griffin again and raised the alarm with relatives the following day.

In the meantime, Griffin had made two cash withdrawals of £250 and £200.

At Cambridge Crown Court Griffin pleaded guilty to theft and fraud by false representation. She was given a ten-year restraining order not to contact the victim or return to his address. She was also given a 12 month sentence, suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 100 hours unpaid work.

Detective Constable Vicky Norden said: “The victim in this case was a vulnerable man who trusted that Griffin had come to care for him. Instead she played on his vulnerabilities for her own financial gain.

“Griffin has been given a chance by the court to turn her life around towards a crime-free future. We hope she takes this opportunity.”

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