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Youth groups to benefit from Police Commissioner Funding

EIGHT more projects across Cambridgeshire will receive a share of £60,000 from a joint fund supported by Jason Ablewhite, the Police and Crime Commissioner, to help young people volunteer in their community.

£30,000 from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Social Action Fund, match funded by the government will help develop the skills and confidence of young people and empower them to make a positive difference where they live.

The Fund, which is managed by Cambridgeshire Community Foundation, offers grants to groups working with young people between the ages of 10 and 20 years old (or 25 for young people with learning difficulties) living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

The eight projects awarded money in the latest round are all involved in providing targeted programmes of activities and support which raise the level and quality of youth social action and demonstrate a positive impact on the wider community.

Amongst the projects receiving funding in this round are Cambridge United Youth and Community Trust who will use the money to provide training for volunteer coaches aged 16-20; Turtle Dove Cambridge to improve employment prospects, confidence and self-esteem for young women, Families First Peterborough CIC to provide work placements in a community café for 10 young people with learning difficulties and Ramsey Neighbourhoods Trust to support young people to take part in the ‘Ramsey – Make Do & Mend’ project.

Grants from £1,000 to £5,000 are available and the fund is open to applications from charities, Community Interest Companies and Social Enterprises.

Police and Crime Commissioner, Jason Ablewhite said:

“Volunteering is an excellent way for young people to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live. I’m pleased to be able to fund these projects so that even more young people can benefit. The success of my previous Youth Fund has already demonstrated how a small amount of money can really get a project off the ground and lead to bigger things.

“Congratulations to everyone involved.”

Jane Darlington, Chief Executive, Cambridgeshire Community Foundation added:

“It has been great to work with the Police and Crime Commissioner on this initiative to support young people as volunteers. The groups that have been awarded a grant have shown real commitment to supporting young people in ways which will enable them to make a valuable contribution to their communities. We look forward to seeing how the projects develop over the coming months.”

For more information about the fund, visit: http://www.cambscf.org.uk/police-and-crime-commissioner-youth-fund-for-cambridgeshire.html

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